Does This Craft Make My Butt Look Big?? Seated Exercises for Artists and Crafters

Image by kolibri5 from Pixabay

Image by kolibri5 from Pixabay

Let’s be honest here... your average craft is hardly a cardio event.

… Which I was forcibly reminded of yesterday, as I huffed my way up our driveway following the grueling task of getting the mail. When did I become such a wimp?

I used to be an avid runner and cyclist - all of which went out the window after having children. These days, my cardio output begins and ends at chasing little ones and games of fetch with our puppy. Actually, that’s not entirely true - you should see me in action when there’s a 70% off sale at Joann’s!

If you’re like me, exercise is one of those “do I have to?” tasks that annoyingly interferes with precious crafting time. Then again, maybe you’re one of the lucky ones who enjoys toning and trimming, and wish crafting were more… active.

I have a solution for us both!!

Have a look at the following seated exercises that you can do WHILE YOU CREATE. No excuses now, right?!


We’re parked on it 90% of the time we craft. Why not put a little steel in those crafty buns?

Hands, Wrists & Arms

They’re the mainstay of our craft and, subsequently, the most prone to wear and tear. Here are a few exercises to keep those digits limber!

Upper Body

Just say “no” to Quasimodo! Everything we do is in front of us - rounding our shoulders, turtling our neck, and shortening our pecs. These stretches will keep us standing tall and proud when we unveil our latest creations.


It’s too easy to hold our breaths while we’re focusing on our creative efforts… and not even realize it! Time to rebuild awareness, and keep those lungs operating at max capacity.


We are despicably abusive to these essential, yet largely overlooked organs of awesomeness. YES. You can absolutely exercise those glorious peepers of yours; they deserve your attention.


Who else here clenches their jaw when they’re focusing really, really hard on creative details? Before you wind up in the oral surgeon’s chair, try these stretches on for size.


There is an entire opera taking place on our faces when we’re “in the flow”. Did you know it? Furrowed brow. Pursed lips. Squinting eyes. Here’s a way to massage away tension following these facial aerobics.

Core/Pelvic Floor

I know it sounds weird, but really… who wants to experience their bladder sinking slowly down into their shoes? It’s easy for seated pelvic floors to lose tone. These exercises can generate a ripple of positive effects, from tighter tummies to less flatulence (seriously!) And it’s a snap to do them while you’re creating!

More Seated Exercises for Artists and Crafters

Here are just a few more stellar collections of creative-friendly options to avoid injury and keep your crafting going strong:

Exercise while you’re crafting… before your brain figures out what you’re doing!

Note: I have no affiliation with, and am not receiving compensation from, any of the above websites. These are my personal recommendations.