6 Super-Helpful Websites to Help You Learn the Floral Arts

If you want to breathe life into your creativity, here’s a field a-bloom with vivacity!

The floral arts hold some of the richest color and textural elements in the artistic world, and connect you with nature in the process.

If floral arts fascinate you, you’ll find 7 superb sites below, bursting at the seams with video- and image-rich how-to’s, inspiration, and resources on the fundamentals of flower arranging. I’ve cherry picked them from sites I’ve personally explored, or am exploring, in my journey to become a creativity Renaissance woman. I guarantee you will find inspiration here, too!

Stay tuned for future, Floral Art posts on how to specifically make and arrange flowers using everything from duct tape, chicken wire, and paper, to beads, crochet, and leather. There’s a world of floral materials to explore!

Note: In addition to the following, I always suggest a quick pit stop at Wikipedia to get a sense of what the heck you’re getting yourself into, then hit up Google Image search to expand your mind on what’s possible!

Let’s be brave together…

Dawn B

Hallmark Channel Floral Designer, Michael Gaffney, is a wellspring of entertainment, “oh, wow!” designs, and novice-to-pro classes in this floral arts YouTube channel. There are tons of free how-to videos here, with inspiration in abundance!

2) BloomsbytheBox.com

Many online flower shops are now offering blogs and videos to help you figure out how to use their products. Here’s one, Blooms by the Box, with an outstanding collection of easy-to-follow, DIY flower arrangement videos, including tool and supply lists and step-by-step instructions. A great resource for beginners.

3) Mayesh Wholesale Florist YouTube Channel

This YouTube channel for Mayesh Wholesale Florist includes a more advanced designer’s selection of how-to videos on gorgeous dried bouquets, unique container ideas, floating floral installations, and more.

4) GardeningKnowHow.com

Here on Gardening Know How, you’ll find helpful tips on the two main types of topiary, plus a plethora of gardening wisdom throughout the rest of the site.

5) Nick the Garden Guy

When it comes to the floral arts, a picture’s worth a MILLION words. Nick’s Pinterest page boasts image after image of drool-worthy espalier to get your inner artsy gardener primed for pruning!

6) “The Big Flower Fight”

For pure fun, I just had to include this trailer for Netflix’s “The Big Flower Fight” series, which they describe as:

“Ten pairs of amateur gardeners from around the world push their skills to the limit as they compete to create stunning, supersized floral sculptures.”

This opened my eyes to entirely new ways of partnering plants with architecture. Crazy stuff here - BIG entertainment. If you have a Netflix account, you’ll find the actual show HERE . If not, set a TV date with someone who does. Caution: this show can lead to binge watching!

Note: I have no affiliation with, and am not receiving compensation from, any of the above websites. These are my personal recommendations.