Topographical fun with Brazilian embroidery

Texturally inclined? Here’s an art form you’ll want to get your hands on...

Since kicking off this project, that seems about all I want to do… touch, touch, touch! The silky threads and popping petals are finger candy to touchy-feelies like myself.

This particular kit (EdMar’s “English Rose & Hummingbirds”, below), which I unearthed on Etsy in early 2020, was my very first craft kit purchase for Dawn B Creative. I’ve only just started it, nearly 2 years after ordering. (Who DOESN’T get trigger-happy when it comes to craft acquisition?!) But I remember being fascinated by how wings and flowers spring off the page… without wires, trickery, or illusion. Can needle and thread really do that??

Turns out it can. Thank you, human ingenuity.

I’ll be following up in upcoming blog posts with more in-depth intel on this uniquely dimensional embroidery but, in a nutshell, it uses slippery, high sheen rayon thread and twisty, loopy, and interlinked stitching to form touch-triggering art.

And, if you’ve read my blog post series on Rug Hooking, you KNOW I’m all about that touch.

I’m equal parts exuberantly enthusiastic and immeasurably terrified to start sewing the birds. Flowers, twigs, and leaves are all forgivable in amorphous form. But to bring an animal to life in thread? That might just be above my pay grade…

Ah well. C’est la vie and tally-ho. Off to play with threads I go!

“Love is a canvas furnished by Nature and embroidered by imagination.” ~ Voltaire