Why the Writing Crafts Fascinate Me

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I was generally pretty well-behaved growing up, but when I did get in trouble, it almost always involved books!

From day one, I was a bonafide bookworm. And that made people worry…

Grandma was concerned that I always chose books over visiting with family and friends.

My brothers and I ran late-night, inter-room book swaps and flashlight-under-the-covers reading binges under our parents’ noses.

I would hide in the closet with a good book to avoid chores.

All-night read-a-thons were not uncommon in my younger years.

And I occasionally snuck a good novel inside my textbook to read while *gasp!* the teacher was at the blackboard.

Wild child, right?

Actually, I come from a family of readers. And writers! My family has published books and articles ranging from an early childhood education newspaper series to wizardy-type fantasy game rule books.

My husband once said to me, “Why do you spend so much time reading other people’s thoughts and ideas? You should have them read yours.”

Good point…

Maybe you and I have something to say that others would want to hear.

Maybe WE could be the ones to keep someone up all night because they don’t want to put our books down.

Maybe we could entertain and delight. Or move. Or inspire. Or teach. Maybe we could stop hiding everything we have to offer in our heads, and start putting it “out there.”

Writing is strategic and exciting. You need to understand which words belong, and which don’t; how to weave your words together to make the reader feel what you’re feeling; when and what words to use to keep readers coming back for more. There’s so much we can say, and so many ways to say it. And at the end of the day, our words can change lives. Wow.

What is something YOU have to say to others? Which written art will you use to express it - short story, article, poetry, novel? Inspire us in the comments below!